The presence of a conspecific can be calming to some species of animal during stress, a phenomenon known as social buffering. For rodents, social buffering can reduce the perception of and reaction to aversive experiences. With a companion, animals may be less frightened in conditioned
fear paradigms, experience faster wound healing, show reduced corticosterone responses to novelty, and become more resilient to everyday stressors like cage-cleaning. Social buffering works in diverse ways across species and life stages. For example, social buffering may rely on specific bonds
and interactions between individuals, whereas in other cases, the mere presence of conspecific cues may reduce isolation stress. Social buffering has diverse practical applications for enhancing rodent wellbeing (some of which can be immediately applied, while others need further development
via welfare-oriented research). Appropriate social housing will generally increase rodents' abilities to cope with challenges, with affiliative cage mates being the most effective buffers. Thus, when rodents are scheduled to experience distressing research procedures, ensuring that their home
lives supply high degrees of affiliative, low stress social contact can be an effective refinement. Furthermore, social buffering research illustrates the stress of acute isolation: stressors experienced outside the cage may thus be less impactful if a companion is present. If a companion
cannot be provided for subjects exposed to out-of-cage stressors, odors from unstressed animals can help ameliorate stress, as can proxies such as pieces of synthetic fur. Finally, in cases involving conditioned fear (the learned expectation of harm), newly providing social contact during
exposure to negative conditioned stimuli (CS) can modify the CS such that for research rodents repeatedly exposed to aversive stimuli, adding conspecific contact can reduce their conditioned fear. Ultimately, these benefits of social buffering should inspire the use of creative techniques
to reduce the impact of stressful procedures on laboratory rodents, so enhancing their welfare.
Laboratory animal medicine (LAM) is a corner stone of animal-based research and has been a veterinary specialty for over 60 y. Today 5 Colleges of LAM (American, European, Japanese, Korean, and Indian) that certify specialists (Diplomates) in LAM are members of the International Association
of Colleges of LAM (IACLAM). Goals of IACLAM are to support the development of new Colleges of LAM, to harmonize expectations for the knowledge and skills of newly certified LAM Diplomate, and to harmonize the standards (best practices) for training and examination of candidates among the
member Colleges. IACLAM recently conducted an in-depth review and comparison of oversight, training, credentialing, and examination standards in the 5 Colleges as part of an initiative to create a framework for harmonization and consistency for these activities across the 5 Colleges. The process
has led to an agreement on recommendations for knowledge and skill requirements for a newly certified Diplomate, as described by each College in a detailed role delineation document (RDD). The RDD is based on task analyses of the work responsibilities of laboratory animal veterinary Diplomates.
This agreement is an important step toward the goal of global harmonization of LAM Diplomate training. Further efforts are planned for areas such as training, research, publication, and examination. This paper describes the role and content of the RDD and lists the differences and similarities
among the RDDs of 5 Colleges of LAM.
Swine are widely used in biomedical research, translational research, xenotransplantation, and agriculture. For these uses, physiologic reference intervals are extremely important for assessing the health status of the swine and diagnosing disease. However, few biochemical and hematologic
reference intervals that comply with guidelines from the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute and the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology are available for swine. These guidelines state that reference intervals should be determined by using 120 subjects or more. The aim
of this study was to generate hematologic and biochemical reference intervals for female, juvenile Yorkshire swine (Sus scrofa domesticus) and to compare these values with those for humans and baboons (Papio hamadryas). Blood samples were collected from the femoral artery or
vein of female, juvenile Yorkshire swine, and standard hematologic and biochemical parameters were analyzed in multiple studies. Hematologic and biochemical reference intervals were calculated for arterial blood samples from Yorkshire swine (n = 121 to 124); human and baboon reference
intervals were obtained from the literature. Arterial reference intervals for Yorkshire swine differed significantly from those for humans and baboons in all commonly measured parameters except platelet count, which did not differ significantly from the human value, and glucose, which was
not significantly different from the baboon value. These data provide valuable information for investigators using female, juvenile Yorkshire swine for biomedical re- search, as disease models, and in xenotransplantation studies as well as useful physiologic information for veterinarians and
livestock producers. Our findings highlight the need for caution when comparing data and study outcomes between species.
IVC systems are marketed for improving the health and management of mouse colonies. The current study compared mouse reproductive performance and husbandry and environmental parameters among 3 high-density (HD) IVC rack systems (RS1, RS2, and RS3), which were present in separate but
comparable rooms. Three breeding trios each of Swiss Webster (CFW) and BALB/c mice were placed in each rack (n = 36 female, n = 18 male). Reproductive indices were measured for 3 breeding cycles over 2 generations; indices included time to parturition, litter size and pup weight,
survivability, and interbirth interval. Over 18 wk, personnel used scoring systems to evaluate each RS daily to every other week according to cage dirtiness, need for spot changing, ease of cage changing, daily health checks, and cage wash processing. Macroenvironmental parameters (temperature,
relative humidity, noise, total particulate matter) were measured weekly over 14 wks. Microenvironmental parameters (temperature, relative humidity, NH3, CO2, O2) of 2 cages each of male and female CFW mice (4 mice/cage) on each RS were measured at 6 time points
over 2 wks. RS1 had significantly smaller mean litter sizes of CFW mice (mean ± 1 SD, 6.5 ± 2.9 pups) as compared with both RS2 (9.5 ± 1.7 pups) and RS3 (9.3 ± 3.8 pups). RS1 scored as being significantly easier to process through the cage wash. RS2 had significantly
lower room noise levels (46.0 ± 5.0 dBA) but higher humidity (58.6% ± 8.9%) as compared with both RS1 (43.7% ± 9.9%) and RS3 (46.0% ± 12.0%) over the 2-wk cycle, particularly at 8 and 12 d after cage change. In conclusion, in terms of mouse reproductive performance
and husbandry and environmental parameters, each system had at least 1 advantage over the other 2. Therefore, various factors should be considered when choosing an IVC system for mice.
Exposure of sentinel mice to dirty bedding is commonly used in health monitoring programs to screen colonies for clinical and subclinical disease. Despite the potential stressors present in dirty bedding, including but not limited to microorganisms, pheromones, and ammonia, it is unknown
whether sentinel mice exposed to soiled bedding experience stress. In this study, select behavioral and physiologic changes associated with stress were assessed in female ICR mice exposed to dirty bedding. Behavioral parameters included evaluation in the home cage and selected behavioral tests;
physiologic measurements included neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio and weight. Mice in the acute group were exposed for 24 h whereas mice in the chronic group were exposed for 4 wk. Mice in the chronic group exposed to dirty bedding weighed less at days 21 and 28 than did control mice. Chronic
mice exposed to dirty bedding also exhibited decreased net weight gain over the entire study period as compared with control mice. No significant differences were detected in the other behavioral and physiologic parameters measured. These results indicate that dirty bedding exposure may affect
sentinel mice, but further investigation is needed to determine the specific mechanism(s) behind the weight difference.
The Etruscan shrew (Suncus etruscus) is one of the smallest mammals on earth and is used in many fields of research, including physiology, behavioral science and neuroscience. However, establishing and maintaining a breeding colony of this species in the laboratory can be challenging,
as it requires specific husbandry conditions that greatly differ from those of more common laboratory species such as mice or rats. Over the past 15 y, we have successfully established a long-term thriving colony of 150 to 200 animals originating from 36 founders. The colony shows longer life
expectancy and larger litter sizes than wild conspecifics. Breeding occurs year-round, independent of seasons, and a breeding pair can regularly produce 2 to 6 offspring with an average life expectancy of more than 3 y. The shrews are housed in glass or plastic enclosures on a specific soil-sand-mixture
bedding and are provided with hideouts and nesting material consisting of moss, wood, or bark. Due to their high basal metabolic rate, the shrews require food intake greater than their body weight per day, can hunt arthropods as large as themselves, and cannot survive more than a few hours
without food. Live feed such as crickets or mealworms is crucial and must be provided daily or, at the very least, every 2 d. Although our husbandry practices have constantly been adapted and refined, shrew husbandry remains challenging, and great care is necessary to meet the specific needs
of this species. Here, we describe the establishment of a long-term stable colony of Etruscan shrews in a research animal facility and the specific husbandry requirements for animal wellbeing.
Mouse kidney parvovirus (MKPV), a newly identified parvovirus of the genus Chaphamaparvovirus, causes inclusion body nephropathy in severely immunocompromised mice and is prevalent in research mouse colonies. As nonenveloped viruses, mammalian parvoviruses are stable and generally
resist thermal inactivation; however, as a novel and highly divergent parvovirus, the thermal stability of MKPV is undefined. This study aimed to evaluate the ability of cage sanitization in a mechanical washer to eliminate MKPV. Cages contaminated by MKPV-infected mice were assigned to 1
of 3 treatment groups: 1) control (bedding change only); 2) sanitization in a tunnel washer (88°C final rinse for 20 s); or 3) sanitization in a tunnel washer followed by autoclave sterilization (121 °C for 20 min). The presence of MKPV on the cage's interior surface was assessed by
PCR of cage swab extracts collected before and after cage treatment. After treatment and swabbing, each cage housed 4 MKPV-negative CD1 mice. Each group of naive CD1 mice was assigned to one of the treatment groups and was housed in a cage from this group for two, 1 wk periods. At 12, 17,
and 20 wk after the first exposure, renal tissue was collected from 1 test mouse per cage and assessed for MKPV by PCR. MKPV was detected by PCR on the surface of 63% of the pretreatment cages. All cages sanitized in a tunnel washer with or without sterilization were PCR negative after treatment.
Seven of 10 mice housed in untreated cages contained a mouse positive for MKPV by 20 wk after exposure. None of the mice housed in cages sanitized in a tunnel washer with or without sterilization tested positive for MKPV at any time point. This study indicates that MKPV contaminated caging
can result in MKPV infection of mice, and the use of a tunnel washer at the temperature and duration evaluated was sufficient to remove MKPV nucleic acid and prevent MKPV transmission.
Forming groups of captive rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) is a common management practice. New formations of unfamiliar macaques can be costly, with high levels of trauma, particularly as intense aggression is used to establish a dominance hierarchy. Combining previous subgroups
into one new group may be beneficial, as some individuals already have established dominance relationships. We tested this hypothesis by forming a new mixed-sex group of rhesus macaques that combined an established group of females with an established group of males. Prior to the mixed-sex
group formation, both the female and male hierarchies had been stable for 3 y; after mixed-sex group formation these hierarchies were maintained by the females and were initially maintained by the males for 3 wks. However, the temporary hospitalization (due to a laceration caused by aggression)
of the alpha male destabilized the male hierarchy. Age and weight then predicted male rank. Temporary hospitalizations resulted in rank changes for the males, evidenced by reversals in subordination signals. This study indicates that using established groups of familiar individuals may maintain
female hierarchical stability in a mixedsex group formation, but further research is needed to understand how to maintain and predict male hierarchical stability to reduce trauma. Improved knowledge of hierarchical stability would be invaluable to managers of large rhesus macaque groups and
would help improve the welfare of captive rhesus macaques.
The nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs meloxicam and carprofen are commonly used as analgesics in mice. The current recommended doses of meloxicam at 0.2-1.0 mg/kg once daily and carprofen at 5-10 mg/kg twice daily may not be adequate to provide analgesia in mice. Several studies
have suggested that doses up to 20 mg/kg of meloxicam and carprofen are needed to provide analgesic efficacy. This study investigated the clinical safety of these higher doses of meloxicam and carprofen by evaluating their potential for renal and gastrointestinal toxicity. Female CD-1 mice
were given 20 mg/kg of either meloxicam, carprofen, or an equivalent volume of saline subcutaneously once daily for 3 or 7 d. On day 4, mice treated for 3 d were euthanized, and on days 8 and 15, mice treated for 7 d were euthanized. Blood was collected by cardiocentesis for serum chemistry
analysis. Feces was collected from the colon for fecal occult blood testing, and tissues were collected for histopathology. No clinically significant changes in serum chemistry profiles were found in the drug-treated mice at any time point as compared with the saline controls. Fecal occult
blood and histologic evidence of gastritis was associated with meloxicam administration in mice evaluated at days 4 and 8. By day 15, there was no association with meloxicam treatment and the presence of fecal occult blood or gastritis. There was no association between fecal occult blood and
gastritis in the carprofen or saline-treated mice regardless of the treatment durations. These findings suggest that 20 mg/kg of meloxicam in mice causes gastric toxicity when given for 3 or 7 d and should be used cautiously; however, carprofen at 20 mg/kg appears to have minimal toxic effects
with regard to the parameters measured.
A new extended-release buprenorphine (XR), an FDA-indexed analgesic, has recently become available to the laboratory animal community. However, the effectiveness and dosing of XR has not been extensively evaluated for rats. We investigated XR's effectiveness in attenuating postoperative
hypersensitivity in a rat incisional pain model. We hypothesized that high dose of XR would attenuate mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity more effectively than the low dose of XR in this model. We performed 2 experiments. In experiment 1, male adult Sprague–Dawley rats (n
= 31) were randomly assigned to 1 of the 4 treatment groups: 1) saline (saline, 0.9% NaCl, 5 mL/kg, SC, once); 2) sustained-release buprenorphine (Bup-SR; 1.2 mg/kg, SC, once), 3) low-dose extended-release buprenorphine (XR-Lo; 0.65 mg/kg, SC, once), and 4) high-dose extended-release buprenorphine
(XR-Hi; 1.3 mg/kg, SC, once). After drug administration, a 1 cm skin incision was made on the plantar hind paw under anesthesia. Mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity were evaluated 1 d before surgery (D-1), 4 h after surgery (D0), and for 3 d after surgery (D1, D2, and D3). In experiment
2, plasma buprenorphine concentration (n = 39) was measured at D0, D1, D2, and D3. Clinical observations were recorded daily, and a gross necropsy was performed on D3. Mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity were measured for 3 d (D0-D3) in the saline group. Bup-SR, XR-Lo, and XR-Hi
effectively attenuated mechanical hypersensitivity for D0-D3. Plasma buprenorphine concentrations remained above 1 ng/mL on D0 and D1 in all treatment groups. No abnormal clinical signs were noted, but injection site reactions were evident in the Bup-SR (71%), XR-Lo (75%), and XR-Hi (87%)
groups. This study indicates that XR-Hi did not attenuate hypersensitivity more effectively than did XR-Lo in this model. XR 0.65 mg/kg is recommended to attenuate postoperative mechanical hypersensitivity for up to 72 h in rats in an incisional pain model.
Precise oral dosing in rodents is usually achieved by intragastric gavage. If performed incorrectly due to technical difficulties, inexperience, or animal resistance, oral gavage may have animal welfare implications such as esophageal and gastric rupture and aspiration. The stress that
is induced by this procedure can also lead to confounding results. In several animal models, drug vehicles must be sugar-free, deliver drugs in a specific formulation, and sometimes supply water. Gelatin has all of these properties. The current study aimed to evaluate the use of gelatin vehicles
with different sensory features as an alternative to oral gavage. We investigated the time taken by 2 different inbred mouse strains, FVB/N and C57BL/6J, to ingest sugar-free gelatin pellets of varying flavors. Results showed that FVB/N mice took more time to eat the unflavored, strawberry
and diet-flavored gelatin pellets than did C57BL/6J mice. Both strains showed low preference for lemon flavor, with the same ingestion times after the second day. This study showed that the C57BL/6J mice are more likely to eat gelatin than are FVB/N mice, and that the 2 strains of mice show
a lower preference for lemon flavoring as compared with other flavors. This method of voluntarily oral administration offers an alternative to gavage for studies that use oral dosing studies.
General anesthesia as used for rodent research can have adverse effects on physiologic mechanisms. Thermoregulation is often greatly inhibited, with resultant deleterious effects on cardiac and respiratory function. These potential effects can be mitigated by providing external heat
support. The circulating warm water blanket and associated heat pump are often used in rodent procedures. The current study demonstrated that the heating pump and water blanket require quality control assessment to ensure adequate function. Our data showed that of the 6 pumps tested, 5 were
able to achieve a temperature that met or exceeded the documented thermoneutral zone for mice. Pumps required 20 min of warming to reach their maximal attainable temperatures for the designated user setting. Although the pumps reached a temperature that was sufficient to provide external thermal
support, only 1 of the 6 pumps reached the temperature that was set by the user during the trial. Surface temperatures across the water blanket were recorded to analyze whether a difference in heat support was influenced by animal placement along the water blanket; however, the location points
did not yield statistically different results. Two pumps were eliminated from the study due to failure to pass the preparation phase of the trial. The results of this study support the need for facilities to establish quality control measures to ensure that heat support systems are functioning
at a level required to maintain normothermia during anesthetic procedures.
Swine (Sus scrofa domesticus) are commonly used large animal subjects for the study of disease and preclinical therapies. Organ machine perfusion is a therapy that has gained momentum as a research platform for the study of ex vivo organ preservation and therapeutics. However,
complex perfusion circuits and research protocols often require large volumes of blood as perfusate. Here, we report a technique for increasing terminal blood yield during swine organ and blood procurement; our method involves acute normovolemic hemodilution and exsanguination via the femoral
artery. We collected a total of 47 ± 4 mL/kg of blood and 4.3 ± 0.6 g/kg of hemoglobin, representing 73% ± 6% of the estimated blood volume and 64% ± 8% of the total estimated intravascular hemoglobin (n = 4). Neither pH, lactate, nor pO2 levels changed significantly
during blood procurement. Acute normovolemic hemodilution is an effective method for increasing RBC and hemoglobin yield during blood procurement in swine.