Sheep (Ovis aries) are widely used as large animal models in biomedical research. However, current literature on the use of analgesics in sheep generally focuses on an industry or farm level of use. This structured review evaluates use and efficacy of analgesics administered
to sheep in a biomedical research setting. Electronic databases were searched with terms related to analgesia in research sheep. After application of exclusion criteria, 29 peer-reviewed publications were evaluated from 1995 to 2018. Drugs used for analgesia in sheep include opioids, α2
agonists, NSAID, local anesthetics, NMDA receptor antagonists, and calcium channel blockers. Opioid agonists have previously been considered short acting and of questionable efficacy in sheep, but newer modalities may provide effective analgesia. NSAID may exhibit an analgesic effect only
when inflammatory pain is present and may not be beneficial for use in acute pain models. α2 agonists provide effective yet short-lived analgesia; however, side effects are of concern. Local anesthetics were previously widely used as stand-alone agents, as alternatives to
the use of general anesthetics in sheep. These agents have since fallen out of favor as sole agents. Despite this, they provide a valuable analgesic effect when used as adjuncts to general anesthetic regimes. The NMDA antagonist ketamine provided good analgesia and is likely underutilized
as an analgesic agent in sheep. Future controlled studies should further evaluate the analgesic properties of ketamine in sheep.
Mouse handling during cage changing and health evaluation has traditionally been performed by using forceps. This method was adopted as a biosecurity measure but can adversely affect employee ergonomics and rodent behavior. In this study, we evaluated alternative methods of rodent handling
and their potential implications for efficiency, biosecurity, and animal welfare. Study groups included plastic cups, gloved hands, 2 methods of tunnel handling, and forceps. Evaluations included speed of cage change, ATP-based assessment of sanitization, and retrospective analysis of colony
health and breeding data. The time to change 14 cages was significantly faster at each time point for the gloved hands and forceps groups as compared with the other methods. Overall speed did not increase significantly with each subsequent study week for any group. ATP levels after sanitization
with hydrogen peroxide–peracetic acid mixture differed significantly between gloves and forceps. When ATP level was evaluated on a per-cm2 basis, no significant difference between gloves and forceps was detected. Although tunnel and cup handling both increased the time for
cage-changing, the tunnel served as both an indirect handling method and a shelter when left within the cage. Retrospective analysis revealed that breeding performance and colony health were similar among groups. Although efficiency is a concern for large-scale implementation of novel handling
methods, the tunnel method may prove beneficial for sensitive strains or studies requiring indirect handling. In addition, using gloved hands to directly handle mice during cage changing is efficient and avoids the ergonomic strain associated with forceps. Precautions should be taken when
handling mice with gloves, given that the increased contact area carries an increased load of organic debris. Changing gloves between rack sides or before proceeding to the animals belonging to a different investigator minimizes the potential for cross-contamination.
NHP are a small, but critical, portion of the animals studied in research laboratories. Many NHP are imported or raised at one facility and subsequently moved to another facility for research purposes. To improve our understanding of the effects of transportation and relocation on the
NHP immune system, to minimize potential confounds associated with relocation, and to maximize study validity, we examined the phenotype and function of PBMC in cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) that were transported approximately 200 miles by road from one facility to another.
We evaluated the phenotype of lymphocyte subsets through flow cytometry, mitogen-specific immune responses of PBMC in vitro, and plasma levels of circulating cytokines before transportation, at approximately 24 h after arrival (day 2), and after 30 d of acclimation. Analyses of blood samples
revealed that the CD3+ and CD4+ T-cell counts increased significantly, whereas NK+, NKT, and CD14+ CD16+ nonclassical monocyte subsets were decreased significantly on day 2 after relocation compared with baseline. We also noted significantly
increased immune cell function as indicated by mitogen-specific proliferative responses and by IFNγ levels on day 2 compared with baseline. After 30 d of acclimation, peripheral blood CD4+ T-cells and monocyte counts were higher than baseline, whereas B-cell numbers were lower.
The mitogen-induced responses to LPS and IFNγ production after stimulation with pokeweed mitogen or phytohemagglutinin remained significantly different from baseline. In conclusion, the effects of transportation and relocation on immune parameters in cynomolgus monkeys are significant
and do not fully return to baseline values even after 30 d of acclimation.
The population of NIH-owned or NIH-supported captive research chimpanzees is quickly becoming aged, and the 1998 NIH breeding moratorium has resulted in a skewed age distribution. As such, behavioral management programs aimed at refining the care of an aging captive chimpanzee population
have become increasingly important. However, little research exists that addresses the ways in which captive chimpanzee behavior differs as a function of the interaction of age and aspects of the captive environment. We examined overall differences in behavior between elderly (35 y and older)
and nonelderly (younger than 35 y) captive chimpanzees. Elderly chimpanzees exhibited significantly more rough scratching (a behavioral indicator of anxiety) and inactivity, less behavioral diversity, and less affiliation than their nonelderly counterparts. We also assessed whether elderly
chimpanzee behavior and wounding rates differed as a function of housing in geriatric (group average age, 35 y or older) or nongeriatric (group average age, younger than 35 y) groups. In our program, geriatric social groups were characterized by smaller group size, more females within the
group, and higher levels of individual mobility impairment compared with nongeriatric groups. Furthermore, elderly chimpanzees housed in geriatric groups displayed significantly increased rough scratching, decreased locomotion and submission than nongeriatric animals but no difference in wounding.
These findings suggest that housing elderly chimpanzees in nongeriatric groups may be beneficial, given that doing so may stimulate locomotion. However, the establishment and maintenance of geriatric groups may be unavoidable as the demographics of the population of captive former research
chimpanzees continues to age. Therefore, refinements to captive geriatric care strategies for chimpanzees should focus on methods of evaluating and enhancing functionally appropriate captive environments within geriatric groups.
Serologic monitoring of infectious diseases is important for microbial control in colonies of laboratory mice. Rapid and simple tests that do not require killing animals are valuable for this purpose. In this study, we developed a multiplex immunochromatographic assay (ICA) for detection
of antibodies to mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), Sendai virus (also known as hemagglutinating virus of Japan [HVJ]), and Clostridium piliforme (The pathogen that causes Tyzzer disease), which are major infectious diseases in mice. For this assay, an ICA strip was put into a microtube containing
150 μL PBS and either 0.75 μL mouse serum or 1.5 μL whole blood. Binding antibodies were visualized by using protein A-conjugated colloidal gold. Under these conditions, multiplex ICA simultaneously and specifically detected antibodies to multiple antigens. To evaluate the sensitivity
and specificity of multiplex ICA, positive serum samples for each infectious disease were used. Sensitivities of the multiplex ICA test for MHV, HVJ, and C. piliforme were 100%, 100%, and 90%, respectively. No nonspecific reaction was observed in any of the 30 positive sera. In addition,
10 samples of uninfected sera did not show any bands except for the control line. These observations indicate high specificity of the multiplex ICA test. Moreover, the multiplex ICA could be applied to diluted blood. These results indicate that the multiplex ICA is appropriate for rapid, simple,
and safe serologic testing of laboratory mice.
Current methods for detecting mites in mouse colonies have limitations in terms of cost, accuracy, and throughput. To address these limitations, we developed PCR assays to detect Myocoptes musculinus in fecal samples. Using a newly generated ribosomal RNA sequence of M. musculinus
(MC28S), we developed PCR and qPCR assays capable of detecting M. musculinus mites or eggs ingested during grooming. To determine our ability to detect mites, we tested fur swabs and feces from mouse colonies experimentally infested with M. musculinus and Demodex musculi,
2) Myobia musculi and Radfordia affinis, 3) M. musculinus and M. musculi, and 4) no mites (negative control). The MC28S PCR and qPCR assays positively identified M. musculinus in groups 1 and 3. The MC28S PCR assay detected M. musculinus in 9 of 10
fecal samples from known-positive animals, whereas the qPCR assay correctly identified M. musculinus in all 10 fecal samples. To our knowledge, this report is the first description of PCR-based detection of murine mites in feces. By eliminating the need for pelt examinations, mite detection
from fecal samples can facilitate mite detection in sentinel or quarantine programs.
Studies using the Mouse Grimace Scale have shown that for many NSAID, including meloxicam, minimal doses of at least 20 mg/kg may be necessary to achieve adequate peri- and post-operative analgesia in mice. However, more data are needed to determine whether such NSAID doses exceed the
threshold for gastrointestinal ulceration or induce other relevant pathology. We administered equal volumes of saline or injectable meloxicam (1 or 5 mg/mL) at a dose of 20 mg/kg SC to 20 young adult male and female C57BL/6N mice daily for 6 d and performed necropsies on all mice on the seventh
day. Mice given 5 mg/mL meloxicam subcutaneously developed significantly more severe pathology at the injection site than saline controls. Pathology was characterized by full-thickness epidermal necrosis; cavitary lesions within subcutis, muscle, or fat; steatitis; and myositis. Mice that
received 1 mg/mL meloxicam subcutaneously developed lesions that were qualitatively similar but far less severe than those after 5 mg/mL. However, no pathologic lesions typically associated with NSAID toxicity, such as gastric ulceration and liver and kidney lesions, were seen. These results
demonstrate that although meloxicam injected subcutaneously causes concentration-dependent skin pathology at the injection site, a dose of 20 mg/kg can be safely administered subcutaneously at a concentration of 1 mg/mL for as long as 6 d.
This study aimed to evaluate the applicability of rodent behavioral tests to assess the effects of midazolam and flumazenil in green iguanas. Four tests commonly used to assess sedation in rodents—the open field test, forced swim test, behavioral scale, and traction test—were
conducted in 10 juveniles iguanas. The animals received midazolam (2 mg/kg IM) or 0.9% NaCl (0.4 mL/kg IM), and the tests were conducted between 0 and 300 min thereafter. To verify the effects of midazolam and flumazenil, the most informative tests from the evaluation stage and the limb withdrawal
latency time (LWLT) were used. All 10 iguanas were tested under 4 conditions, as follows: MS, midazolam (2 mg/kg IM), followed 30 min later by 0.9% NaCl (0.4 mL/kg IM); FS, flumazenil (0.05 mg/kg IM), followed by 0.9% NaCl (0.4 mL/kg IM) 30 min later; MF, midazolam (2 mg/ kg IM), followed
by flumazenil (0.05 mg/kg IM) 30 min later; and CON, 0.9% NaCl (0.4 mL/kg IM). The behavioral scale and the forced swim test showed the best detection of the onset, peak effect, and the differences between the sedated and control iguanas, with testing done between 15 and 240 min after drug
administration. The sedative effect of midazolam began at 15 min and persisted through 180 min when assessed on the behavioral scale and 240 min when assessed by the forced swim test; flumazenil administration reversed the sedative effect. An increase in the LWLT was observed in the midazolam
treatment groups between 15 and 30 min after drug administration. Flumazenil decreased LWLT between 15 and 180 min in the FS and at 60 min in the MF. In conclusion, the best methods to assess sedation in iguanas were the behavioral scale and the forced swim test. A dose of 2 mg/kg of midazolam
was effective at inducing sedation in these juvenile iguanas, and this effect could be reversed by flumazenil.
Blood collection methods in guinea pigs are limited due to the animals' compact neck, short limbs, and lack of a tail. Gingival venipuncture is a recently described blood sampling technique that is minimally traumatic with no significant alterations in hematologic parameters when multiple
blood samples were collected weekly for 6 wk. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the gingival vein can be used as an alternative blood collection site in guinea pigs, such that: (1) hematologic parameters would be consistent with samples collected from the cranial vena cava;
and (2) no contaminants from the oral cavity would be introduced into the sample. Blood samples were obtained from both the gingival vein and cranial vena cava of anesthetized Dunkin Hartley guinea pigs for CBC (n = 9) and aerobic blood cultures (n = 10). Only MCV was significantly
different between sampling sites. Bland–Altman analyses calculated a small mean bias for all hematologic parameters, indicating clinical interpretation is unlikely to be affected by the sampling site. Bacterial growth occurred in all 5 gingival vein blood samples prepared by using saline
and 2 of the 5 prepared with dilute chlorhexidine. Bacteria did not grow from any cranial vena caval blood samples prepared with dilute chlorhexidine. No clinical signs of hemorrhage or trauma were detected at either site. These results provide evidence that gingival venipuncture can be used
as an alternative blood collection method for guinea pigs for hematologic analysis but should not be used for blood culture.
Zebrafish are an important model in neuroscience and developmental biology and are also an emerging model in hematology and immunology. Little information is available for zebrafish regarding the physiologic impact of different euthanasia methods and whether a chosen method of euthanasia
can impact serum yield. These parameters could impact the choice of euthanasia method for a study. To that end, the current study compared 3 methods of adult zebrafish euthanasia and their effects on 3 distinct criteria; time to loss of opercular movement, volume of serum obtained, and serum
cortisol concentration. Blood was collected using a postmortem tail amputation and centrifugation blood collection technique. Time to loss of opercular movement differed significantly among euthanasia methods, with animals undergoing rapid chilling displaying the shortest time (mean Rapid
Chilling: 40 s; Benzocaine: 86 s; MS222: 96 s). All methods of euthanasia resulted in a comparable average serum yield (Rapid Chilling = 7.5 μL; Benzocaine = 8.5 μL; MS222 = 7.5 μL per fish). None of the euthanasia methods tested resulted in average cortisol concentrations above the
reported physiologic range. Although no significant differences were observed in serum yield or serum cortisol concentration, rapid chilling remains the preferred method for painless, humane euthanasia.