Humanized liver chimeric mice (PXB-mice) are generated by the transplantation of human hepatocytes into mice that have severe combined immunodeficiency and express an albumin-promoted urokinase-type plasminogen activator (cDNA-uPA/SCID) transgene. Human hepatocytes cannot synthesize
ascorbic acid (AA; commonly called vitamin C) and humans require supplementation to prevent vitamin C deficiency. PXB-mouse livers contain up to approximately 95% human hepatocytes, which likely affects AA synthesis. To determine whether dietary AA supplementation prevents scurvy-like symptoms
and death in PXB-mice, a 12 week study that compared nonsupplemented and supplemented PXB-mice was conducted. Approximately 4 weeks into the study, PXB-mice without dietary supplementation of AA displayed weight loss and clinical signs of hypovitaminosis C, including hunched posture, unkempt
appearance, and lameness. Pathologic evaluation of nonsupplemented PXB-mice revealed lesions consistent with hypovitaminosis C. Mean serum AA concentrations in the nonsupplemented PXB-mice were below the limit of quantitation (0.5 μg/mL) and were substantially less than those of controls.
AA was also measured in a number of tissues, including adrenal gland, brain, liver, and testis; low AA concentrations were similarly observed in tissues obtained from the nonsupplemented PXB-mice. Collectively, these findings support AA supplementation in PXB-mice to prevent the development
of hypovitaminosis C and the potential utility of nonsupplemented PXB-mice as an animal model of scurvy.
Repeatable tumor measurements are key to accurately assessing tumor growth and treatment efficacy. A preliminary study that we conducted showed that a novel 3D and thermal imaging system (3D-TI) for measuring subcutaneous tumors in rodents significantly reduced interoperator variability
across 3 in vivo efficacy studies. Here we further studied this reduction in interoperator variability across a much larger dataset. A dataset consisting of 6,532 paired 3D-TI and caliper interoperator measurements was obtained from tumor scans and measurements in 27 laboratories across 289
studies, 153 operators, over 20 mouse strains, and 100 cell lines. Interoperator variability in both measurement methods was analyzed using coefficient of variation (CV), intraclass correlation (ICC) analysis, and significance testing. The median 3D-TI CV was significantly lower than the median
caliper CV. The effects of large interoperator variability at critical points in the study were also investigated. At stratified randomization, changing the operator performing caliper measurements resulted in a 59% probability that a mouse would be reassigned to a different group. The probability
that this would occur when using 3D-TI was significantly lower at 29%. In studies in which a tumor was expected to regress, changing the operator during the study was associated with a tumor volume increase of approximately 500mm3 when using calipers. This change did not occur when
using 3D-TI. We conclude that 3D-TI significantly reduces interoperator variability as compared with calipers and can improve reproducibility of in vivo studies across a wide range of mouse strains and cell lines.
Mouse kidney parvovirus (MKPV), the etiology of murine inclusion body nephropathy, has been identified globally in mice used for research, with an estimated prevalence of 10% in academic colonies. In immunodeficient strains, MKPV causes significant morbidity and mortality, and severe
renal pathology. In contrast, in immunocompetent mice, the infection is subclinical and causes minimal pathology. We investigated viral infectivity and shedding in inbred C57BL/6NCrl (B6), outbred Crl:CD1(ICR) (CD1), and highly immunocompromised NOD. Cg - Prkdc scid Il2rg tm1Wjl/SzJ
(NSG) mice. Four doses, ranging from 1.16 × 10 3 to 1.16 × 10 6 viral copies per microliter, of an MKPV inoculum were administered oronasally to 3 mice per dose per mouse type. All 3 types (B6, CD1, and NSG) had persistent infection with prolonged shedding in urine and feces. Viral
copy number in the urine generally increased over time, while shedding in the feces was more variable. Among the 3 populations, CD1 mice developed viral shedding in urine earliest (4 wk after inoculation) and at higher levels (greater than 1 × 10 7 viral copies per microliter). B6 mice
become viruric later (7 wk after inoculation), with lesser virus shed (1 × 10 6 viral copies per microliter or less). In CD1 and B6 mice, peak urine shedding occurred at 11 to 14 wk after inoculation, after which levels gradually declined until 35 wk after inoculation (study endpoint).
In contrast, NSG mice did not become viruric until 10 wk after inoculation and continued to shed large amounts of virus (greater than 1 × 107 viral copies per microliter) in urine until the study endpoint. Two commercial immunofluorescent serologic assays failed to detect
serum antibodies to MKPV nonstructural protein 1 as late as 58 wk after inoculation, whereas immunohistochemistry of infected renal tissue successfully detected anti-MKPV serum antibodies. These results increase our knowledge of the biology of MKPV and have practical application for development
of effective screening programs for this pathogen.
Clinical signs of Corynebacterium bovis infections are well-known in athymic nude mice. However, C. bovis can also infect and cause clinical signs in many hirsute, immunocompromised mouse strains such as NSG (NOD. Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wgl/SzJ). Typically,
the clinical assessment of C. bovis-infected mice begins when overt clinical signs are initially observed and thus the early course of infection has not been thoroughly described. The goal of this study was to characterize the clinical progression of C. bovis infection in NSG
mice under experimental conditions and develop a quantifiable clinical scoring system. For the development and application of this clinical scoring system, 54 naïve NSG mice were exposed to soiled bedding from clinically ill C. bovis-infected NSG mice and the emergence of clinical
signs was monitored and scored weekly for 8 wk. Overall, we identified 6 benchmark changes associated with C. bovis clinical infection. Four changes were the appearance of the eyes, ears, hair coat, and posture. Two behavioral changes were increased grooming activity and rapid head
shaking. All clinical signs appeared consistently and progressed temporally with increasing clinical severity. Characterization of clinical signs and scoring of clinical disease will aid veterinarians in the assessment of C. bovis-infected NSG mice and may help in the evaluation of
current and future clinical interventions used to prevent or treat C. bovis-infected immunodeficient mice.
Melioidosis, a potentially fatal infectious disease of humans and animals, including nonhuman primates (NHPs), is caused by the high-consequence pathogen Burkholderia pseudomallei. This environmental bacterium is found in the soil and water of tropical regions, such as Southeast
Asia, where melioidosis is endemic. The global movement of humans and animals can introduce B. pseudomallei into nonendemic regions of the United States, where environmental conditions could allow establishment of the organism. Approximately 60% of NHPs imported into the United States
originate in countries considered endemic for melioidosis. To prevent the introduction of infectious agents to the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) requires newly imported NHPs to be quarantined for at least 31 d, during which time their health is closely
monitored. Most diseases of public health concern that are transmissible from imported NHPs have relatively short incubation periods that fall within the 31-d quarantine period. However, animals infected with B. pseudomallei may appear healthy for months to years before showing signs
of illness, during which time they can shed the organism into the environment. Melioidosis presents diagnostic challenges because it causes nonspecific clinical signs, serologic screening can produce unreliable results, and culture isolates are often misidentified on rapid commercial testing
systems. Here, we present a case of melioidosis in a cynomolgus macaque (Macaca fascicularis) that developed a subcutaneous abscess after importation from Cambodia to the United States. The bacterial isolate from the abscess was initially misidentified on a commercial test. This case
emphasizes the possibility of melioidosis in NHPs imported from endemic countries and its associated diagnostic challenges. If melioidosis is suspected, diagnostic samples and culture isolates should be submitted to a laboratory in the CDC Laboratory Response Network for conclusive identification
and characterization of the pathogen.
A Cancer Rainbow mouse line that expresses 3 fluorescently labeled isoforms of the tumor-driver gene HER2 (HER2BOW) was developed recently for the study of tumorigenesis in the mammary gland. The expression of 1 of the 3 HER2 isoforms in HER2BOW mice is induced through the Cre/lox
system. However, in addition to developing palpable mammary tumors, HER2BOW mice developed orbital tumors, specifically of the Harderian gland. Mice were euthanized, and histopathologic examination of the Harderian gland tumors was performed. Tumors were characterized by adenomatous hyperplasia
to multinodular adenomas of the Harderian gland. Fluorescent imaging of the Harderian gland tissue confirmed the expression of HER2 in the tumors. Here we discuss monitoring and palliative approaches to allow attainment of humane experimental endpoints of mammary tumor growth in this mouse
line. We describe a range of interventions, including close monitoring, topical palliative care, and surgical bilateral enucleation. Based on our data and previous reports in the literature, the overexpression of HER2 in Harderian gland tissue and subsequent tumor formation likely was driven
by MMTV–Cre expression in the Harderian gland.
Ferret systemic coronavirus (FRSCV) causes a highly fatal disease of ferrets (Mustela putorius furo). It is believed to be a mutated variant of ferret enteric coronavirus (FRECV) and has a clinical presentation similar to that of feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV) in
cats. The interplay of infectious diseases and host genetics will become a greater issue in the research environment as genetically modified species other than rodents become available due to advances in gene editing technology. In this case series, we present the clinical and histopathologic
features of a FRSCV outbreak that affected 5 out of 10 ferrets with α-1 antitrypsin knockout (AAT KO) over an approximately 1-y period. Clinical features varied, with the affected ferrets presenting with some combination of wasting, hind limb paralysis, incontinence or sudden death.
Multiple ferrets had gross pathologic lesions consistent with FRSCV, but the lesions were typically mild. Microscopic pyogranulomatous inflammation was present in 4 ferrets. Immunohistochemistry using an anti-feline coronavirus antibody that cross reacts with ferret coronavirus confirmed infection
of intralesional macrophages in 4 out of 5 animals with suspected FRSCV infection. PCR testing of formalin fixed tissue was negative for all ferrets. PCR testing of feces from healthy wild-type ferrets indicated that the endemic presence of FRECV genotype 2, while PCR surveillance testing
of other in-house AAT KO ferrets revealed both enteric coronavirus genotypes 1 and 2. This case series highlights the potential for greater disease incidence in the future as genetically modified ferrets are used more often, and may support exclusion of FRECV and similar viruses from highly
susceptible ferret genotypes.