The exchange of fish for research may expose an aquatic laboratory to pathogen contamination as incoming fish can introduce bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses capable of affecting both experimental results and fish and personnel health and welfare. To develop risk mitigation strategies,
FELASA and AALAS established a joint working group to recommend good practices for health monitoring of laboratory fish. The recommendations address all fish species used for research, with a particular focus on zebrafish (Danio rerio). First, the background of the working group and
key definitions are provided. Next, fish diseases of high impact are described. Third, recommendations are made for health monitoring of laboratory fishes. The recommendations emphasize the importance of daily observation of the fish and strategies to determine fish colony health status. Finally,
report templates are proposed for historical screening data and aquatic facility description to facilitate biohazard risk assessment when exchanging fish.
FELASA and AALAS established a joint working group to advise on good practices for the exchange of fish for research. In a first manuscript, the working group made recommendations for health monitoring and reporting of monitoring results. The focus of this second related manuscript
is biosecurity in fish facilities. First, we define the risk of contamination of personnel by zoonotic pathogens from fish or from system water, including human mycobacteriosis. Preventive measures are recommended, such as wearing task-specific personal protective equipment. Then we discuss
biosecurity, highlighting the establishment of biosecurity barriers to preserve the health status of a facility. A functional biosecurity program relies on integration of the entire animal facility organization, including the flow of staff and animals, water treatments, and equipment sanitation.
Finally, we propose 4 steps for introducing new fish colonies: consideration of international trade and national restrictions; assessing risk according to fish source and developmental stage; establishing quarantine barriers; and the triage, screening, and treatment of newly imported fish.
We then provide 3 realistic sample scenarios to illustrate practical biosecurity risk assessments and mitigation measures based on considerations of health status and quarantine conditions.
Betta splendens, also called Siamese fighting fish or 'betta,' are a popular species in the fishkeeping hobby. Native to South- east Asia, betta have been selectively bred for their fighting ability for hundreds of years, which has resulted in the species' characteristic male
aggression. More recently, betta have been bred for a number of ornamental traits such as coloration, fin morphology, and body size. Betta have unique characteristics and an evolutionary history that make them a useful model for studies in the fields of behavior, endocrinology, neurobiology,
genetics, development, and evolution. However, standard laboratory procedures for raising and keeping these fish are not well established, which has limited their use. Here, we briefly review the past and present use of betta in research, with a focus on their utility in behavioral, neurobiological,
and evolutionary studies. We then describe effective husbandry practices for maintaining betta as a research colony.
Alfaxalone, a synthetic neuroactive steroid, has been tested as an immersion anesthetic in ornamental fish, but its safety and efficacy in sport fish have not been investigated. In the current study, we compared the physiologic and behavioral effects of alfaxalone with those of tricaine
methanesulfonate (MS222) for anesthesia of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) via water immersion. We also analyzed alfaxalone-exposed tissues to determine residue clearance times. Fish were anesthetized for 10 min by immersion in low-dose alfaxalone (Alow; 5 mg/L induction,
1 mg/L maintenance), high-dose alfaxalone (Ahigh; 5 mg/L induction, 2 mg/L maintenance), or MS222 (MS; 150 mg/L induction, 100 mg/L maintenance). Fish received all 3 treatments, separated by a washout period of at least 18 d in a blinded, complete crossover design. We hypothesized
that immersion in Alow or Ahigh would provide a stable plane of anesthesia in rainbow trout, with dose-dependent time to recovery, and that opercular rates and depths of anesthesia would be equivalent to that of MS222. The time to anesthesia induction was longer for alfaxalone
than MS222 but averaged less than 100 s. The time to recovery from anesthesia was also longer for alfaxalone than MS222, with significantly shorter recovery time for Alow than for Ahigh. All treatments decreased opercular rate and response to noxious stimuli. Alfaxalone residue
clearance was greater than 80% from all tissues within 1 h, greater than 99% from muscle within 4 h, and 100% from all tissues within 36 h after exposure. We conclude that alfaxalone immersion at 5 mg/L for induction and 2 mg/L for maintenance provides a safe, viable alternative to MS222 for
the anesthesia of rainbow trout.
As the use of zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a research model continues to rise, so too will the shipping and sharing of zebrafish strains across collaborating institutions. If done incorrectly, shipping can result in significant mortality, welfare concerns, and loss of valuable
resources for researchers and research institutions. Here we introduce a novel method to track temperatures of zebrafish containers during shipping and show that internal packaging temperatures are directly affected by the external temperatures. We used temperature logging Thermochron iButtons
to track the temperatures of 2 packages containing adult zebrafish that were shipped overnight from Dallas, TX to Columbus, OH during winter following recommended fish shipping guidelines. We found that the external packaging of both boxes of fish were exposed to temperatures that had previously
been shown to be lethal to zebrafish. However, internal temperatures and, more specifically, water temperature, stayed within 24.0 to 26.5°C during shipment, resulting in 100% survival of adult zebrafish. This novel method of tracking packaging temperatures of live fish during
shipping can help to inform fish health status on arrival.
The exponential rise of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model organism in biomedical research has far outstripped our un- derstanding of basic husbandry and welfare for this species. As a case in point, here we investigate the efficacy and welfare impact of different euthanasia
methods for zebrafish. Not only is a humane death central to welfare and the 3Rs, but stress during euthanasia can change scientific outcomes. However, the most frequently used methods of euthanasia have multiple shortcomings with regard to animal welfare and human safety. In this study, we
propose the use of propofol for immersion euthanasia of adult zebrafish. Propofol has been known to rapidly induce anesthesia in many species, including zebrafish, but its efficacy as a euthanasia agent for zebrafish has not fully been explored. In this study, adult zebrafish were euthanized
by immersion on one of 5 different preparations: ice bath, 250 ppm MS222, 600 ppm lidocaine hydrochloride, 100 ppm propofol, or 150 ppm propofol for 20 or 30 min. Display of aversive behaviors, time to loss of righting reflex, time to cessation of opercular movement, and time to recovery after
transfer to clean tank water were assessed and recorded. Propofol at both concentrations induced loss of righting reflex and loss of opercular movement more quickly than did MS222 or lidocaine hydrochloride and caused no display of aversive behaviors as seen with ice bath or lidocaine exposure.
However, fish exposed to propofol at either concentration for 20 min sometimes recovered, whereas a 30-min exposure was sufficient for euthanasia of all fish tested. These findings suggest that exposure to propofol for a duration of at least 30 min quickly and effectively euthanizes adult
zebrafish without compromising end-of-life welfare.