Escherichia coli gene nfsB encodes a nitroreductase (NTR) enzyme that converts prodrugs like metronidazole (Met) and CB 1954 to cytotoxic metabolites. My coworkers and I have validated this prodrug-enzyme system in zebrafish (Danio rerio) by ubiquitously expressing
NTR–EGFP fusion protein and exposing these embyos to CB 1954 and Met. These embryos showed extensive gross pathologic changes and death by 24 h of incubation in the prodrugs. They also exhibited widespread and marked apoptotic changes by 8 h of incubation in Met. Neither the prodrugs
themselves nor the NTR–EGFP fusion protein were toxic to the developing zebrafish embryos. Thus the NTR–CB 1954 and NTR–Met systems can be used to ablate a wide variety of cells and tissues in zebrafish embryos.
ORP150 is an endoplasmic-resident, hypoxic stress-induced protein, but little is known about the effects of its systemic overexpression. We have produced a transgenic strain of mice that overexpress ORP150 (ORP-Tg mice). These mice exhibit severe growth retardation concomitant with
vacuolar degeneration in the heart. To investigate the cause of the observed growth retardation in response to ORP150 overexpression, we conducted a clinical evaluation of the ORP-Tg mice. Blood analysis showed significantly lower concentrations of serum triglyceride, cholesterol, glucose
and insulin. The triglyceride components that were reduced in ORP-Tg mice were localized mainly at the origin and in the pre-beta fraction on agarose gel electrophoresis, corresponding to chylomicrons and very low-density lipoproteins. A lipid-loading test of ORP-Tg mice revealed reduced triglyceride
uptake, which mainly was due to suppressed uptake of very low-density lipoproteins. An intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test indicated that the ORP-Tg mice have a significantly higher rate of glucose degradation. These findings suggest that overexpression of ORP150 in mice leads to abetalipoproteinemia
with alteration of glucose and lipid metabolism. These data could provide clues for a therapeutic target of dyslipidemia or diabetes.
FVB/NJ mice frequently are used as transgenic hosts, but the suitability of this genetic background for transgenic and congenic models of systemic autoimmunity have not been reported. In this study, FVB/NJ mice were evaluated for the presence of serum autoantibodies and autoimmune kidney
pathology. Previously unreported albuminuria was observed in aged female FVB/NJ mice; however, serum autoantibody testing, light microscopic evaluation of differentially stained renal sections, and evaluation of renal sections for immunoglobulin deposits revealed that the albuminuria was not
of autoimmune etiology. Anecdotally, multiple characteristics of the FVB/NJ strain, including albuminuria, cholesterolemia, mild podocyte foot process effacement in aged female FVB/NJ kidneys and predisposition to enhanced Th2 immune responses, is reminiscent of human minimal change nephrotic
syndrome (MCNS). We propose that mapping of genetic polymorphisms that are responsible for these traits in FVB/NJ mice may lead to increased understanding of mild nephrotic syndromes including MCNS and other proteinurias.
To date, data are not available concerning the effectiveness of chemotherapy in the treatment of Spirocerca lupi-associated esophageal sarcomas. In the present study, we compared the effectiveness of 4 chemotherapeutic agents against S. lupi-associated osteosarcoma, using
a xenograft murine model created in our lab. Samples of xenografted osteosarcoma were inoculated subcutaneously into 5 groups (n = 10 each) of 6-wk-old male and female NOD/SCID mice. Tumor-bearing mice were divided into treatment and control groups. The treatment groups were injected
with either pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (6 mg/kg, intravenously, n = 9), doxorubicin (6 mg/kg, intravenously, n = 8), carboplatin (60 mg/kg, intraperitoneally, repeated twice at 1-wk intervals for a total of 2 doses, n = 9), or cisplatin (6 mg/kg, intraperitoneally, n = 8). The control
group was injected with buffered saline (n = 9). Tumor size was determined by caliper measurements. Compared with the control group, the pegylated liposomal doxorubicin- and doxorubicin-treated groups, but not the carboplatin or cisplatin groups, showed significant inhibition of tumor growth.
Our results indicate that doxorubicin-based drugs are effective against S. lupi-associated sarcomas in a mouse xenograft model. Because it is less toxic than doxorubicin, pegylated liposomal doxorubicin is likely the drug of choice for treatment of S. lupi-associated sarcomas.
We suggest that combination of doxorubicin or its pegylated form with surgical excision will improve the prognosis of dogs with this disease.
Persistent LCMV infection in wild-derived MAI/Pas mice housed under conventional conditions remained undetected for a decade, despite periodic health monitoring using dirty-bedding sentinels. When MAI/Pas mice were rederived by embryo transfer, recipient mothers produced antiLCMV antibodies,
which first revealed the presence of the virus in the colony. Before this information was obtained, MAI/Pas mice had been shipped to another facility, undergone cesarean rederivation there, and been introduced into the recipient barrier. The foster mothers of rederived pups were LCMV-negative
according to enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, but sera of both cesarean-rederived MAI/Pas mice and their foster mothers were positive for LCMV infection by immunofluorescent assay (IFA). LCMV was isolated from the MAI/Pas mice, and its genomic RNA was sequenced. Examination of animal technicians
in contact with LCMV-infected mice and of other mouse samples by IFA or a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction test (or both) revealed that neither the workers nor other animals had been infected with LCMV. Experimental data showed that LCMV transmission from persistently infected
mice to naïve ones occurred only after direct contact of animals housed in the same cage. This experience demonstrates the importance of careful viral monitoring in the transfer of laboratory rodents between institutions, the limitation of dirty-bedding sentinels for detection of LCMV
infection, and the inadequacy of cesarean rederivation for elimination of enzootic LCMV infection.
Daidzein (4',7-dihydroxyisoflavone), a soy phytoestrogen, is a weakly estrogenic compound that may have potential health benefits. Biotransformation of daidzein by the human gut microflora after ingestion converts it to either the highly estrogenic metabolite equol or to nonestrogenic
metabolites. We investigated the metabolism of daidzein by colonic microflora of rats. Fecal samples, obtained before and after rats were exposed to daidzein at 250 or 1000 parts per million, were incubated in brain-heart infusion (BHI) broth with daidzein under anaerobic conditions. Samples
were removed from the cultures daily and analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry. The fecal bacteria of all rats, regardless of prior daidzein exposure, metabolized the added daidzein to dihydrodaidzein. Both compounds disappeared rapidly from BHI cultures
incubated for more than 24 h, but no other daidzein metabolites were detected. Only daidzein and dihydrodaidzein were found in a direct analysis of the feces of rats that had consumed daidzein in their diets. Unlike the fecal bacteria of humans and monkeys, the rat flora rapidly metabolized
daidzein to aliphatic compounds that could not be detected by HPLC or mass spectral analysis.
Intussusception is a common complication after canine hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). The present study was undertaken to evaluate predisposing factors of intussusception and to test whether intussusception can be managed surgically during the period immediately after HCT.
We determined the incidence of intussusception after HCT was performed in 325 canine recipients (autologous, n = 43; allogeneic, n = 282) during the interval from January 2002 to May 2005. Intussusception was diagnosed in 16 of 325 dogs (4.9%). Intussusception was not significantly assaociated
with the dose of irradiation, source of hematopoietic graft, use of immunosuppressive agents, gender, or age at transplant. A group of 9 of the affected dogs underwent small-bowel resection after diagnosis, and 7 were managed without surgical intervention. Despite complicating factors such
as gastrointestinal toxicity and low neutrophil and platelet counts induced by the marrow conditioning regimen and the use of immunosuppressive agents, successful surgical management of intussusception was achieved in 6 of 9 dogs, as compared with successful management of 0 of 7 without surgery.
Intussusception did not recur after surgical intervention in any dog. Recent HCT and post-transplant immunosuppressive therapy are not absolute contraindications to surgical intervention for intussusception in canine recipients of HCT.
Because uncontrolled hemorrhage is a leading cause of battlefield mortality, finding an intravenous treatment that could assist endogenous clotting mechanisms is a major mission for military researchers. Evaluation of potential intravenous hemostatic agents requires both in vitro and
in vivo tests. For in vivo evaluation, we have developed a novel swine model in which 1) bleeding times (BT) and coagulation function could be ascertained after multiple doses of hemostatic drug administration and 2) a subsequent exsanguinating injury could be performed in the same animal,
yielding screening information regarding the effects of drug pretreatment on blood loss and survival. Transection of small mesenteric arteries and veins allowed for multiple and reproducible BT measures that correlated with coagulation function. Subsequent excision of defined areas of the
liver produced bleeding predominantly from small vessels (diameter, less than 2 mm) and parenchyma while resulting in 62% mortality without the use of either heparinization or aggressive fluid infusion. This swine model allows for multiple, repeatable BT measures in the same animal in experiments
already involving laparotomy. Such a model is well suited for terminal studies to test effects of multiple doses of the same drug or multiple drugs on BT and allows for multiple, easily visualized measures that permit enhanced repeatability. The liver injury provides for numerous small vessel
lesions that could be amenable to closure by coagulation. Therefore, drugs or mechanisms that enhance coagulation and concomitantly decrease blood loss and increase survival time may be accurately evaluated in this new model.
Profound neutropenia that provides an opportunity for infections to develop into sepsis remains an important cause of morbidity and mortality in patients after irradiation. Human clinical studies find extremely low concentrations of cholesterol (less than 120 mg/dl) associated with
high risk of death in critically ill adult patients admitted to intensive care units. This retrospective study was initiated as part of separate investigations of radiation-induced acquired infections in 2 large animal species receiving high-dose whole-body irradiation from a 60Co
γ-photon source. Nine Yucatan minipigs (Sus scrofa domestica) and 16 rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) were evaluated for sepsis, serum lipid and lipoprotein concentrations, and other blood parameters. For each species, animals were grouped into 2 categories—septic
and nonseptic—and severity of disease was quantified by use of a scoring system. Significantly lower high-density lipoprotein (HDL) concentrations were found in the septic pigs at 24 and 48 h as compared with nonseptic pigs. HDL was significantly decreased in septic macaques within 24
h and 3 to 4, 6 to 7, and 9 to 10 d after diagnosis of sepsis, compared with that in nonseptic macaques. Coupled with hypocholesterolemia, decreased serum HDL was the parameter that was associated with disease severity at the time of sampling. Our data indicate that HDL is a reliable marker
for severity of disease in these 2 preclinical models of irradiation-induced sepsis.
The skin of Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) shows diffuse discolorations resembling human dermal melanocytosis. Very few laboratory animals have melanocytes in the dermis. The purpose of this study was to clarify the dermatologic characteristics of Japanese monkeys in terms
of gross appearance, skin color, and histopathologic findings. A colorimeter was used to record the skin colors of pigmented and nonpigmented sites. Tissue specimens obtained from both types of sites were examined histopathologically. All animals examined had pigmented sites on their bodies,
and the discolorations extended over 25% to 33% of the body surface. The colorimeter could detect differences in skin color due to dermal melanocytosis. All parameters of the colorimetric systems used (Yxy, L*a*b*, and L*C*h* systems) demonstrated significant differences between pigmented
and nonpigmented sites. In pigmented sites, the epidermis lacked melanocytes, but the dermis had numerous melanocytes with abundant melanin. Activated melanocytes with well-developed dendrites were distributed throughout the upper part of the dermal layer. Melanocytes were not arranged in
clusters, and elastic and collagen fibers in the dermis showed no histological abnormalities. Nonpigmented sites lacked melanin granules in both the epidermis and dermis. This study revealed that gross dermal melanocytosis correlated well with colorimetric results and histopathologic findings.
These findings suggest that the pigmentation of Japanese monkeys is equivalent to dermal melanocytosis in humans, to the end that Japanese monkeys may be a useful animal model for investigating dermal melanogenesis.