NIH Swiss and Black Swiss Mice Have Retinal Degeneration and Performance Deficits in Cognitive Tests
Swiss mice are among the most commonly used outbred strains in biomedical research. Because prior knowledge of the baseline phenotypes of mouse strains will allow informed selection of strains for particular experiments, we sought to characterize the behavior of two previously untested
outbred Swiss strains—NIH Swiss and Black Swiss—in the two most widely used paradigms for evaluating the cognitive abilities of mice. Unlike the C57BL/6J and C57BL/6J-Tyrc-2J controls, animals of both outbred Swiss strains were unable to demonstrate learning in
the Morris water maze and contextual fear conditioning paradigms. A polymerase chain reaction assay revealed that all of the NIH Swiss and Black Swiss mice tested were homozygous for the recessive retinal degeneration 1 mutation of the Pde6b gene. Histological examination of NIH Swiss
and Black Swiss mouse eyes confirmed the presence of retinal degeneration, which causes visual image blindness. These findings indicate that NIH Swiss and Black Swiss mice are visually impaired and thus may be unsuitable for use in some experiments.
Phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (PC-MRI) is useful for assessing coronary artery flow reserves (CFR) in man and acute animal models with intermediate coronary lesions. The present study examines the use of PC-MRI for assessing CFR in a model with critical stenosis and collateral
dependence. PC-MRI quantitative flow measurements from the proximal left anterior descending (LAD) and left circumflex (LCX) coronary arteries were compared with myocardial tissue perfusion reserve measurements (microsphere techniques) after placement of a 2.25-mm ameroid constrictor on the
proximal LCX in a porcine model; measurements were obtained at implantation (n = 4) and at 3 to 4 weeks (n = 4) and 6 weeks (n = 5) postimplantation. CFR is defined as the ratio of maximal hyperemic flow to baseline flow. Hyperemia was induced using intravenous adenosine (140 mg/kg/min). Collateral
dependence in the LCX distribution was evidenced by angiographic findings of critical stenosis with minimal myocardial histological changes and normal baseline myocardial perfusion (microsphere techniques). In this setting, PC-MRI CFR was correlated with microsphere measures of perfusion reserve.
Collateral dependence was confirmed by Evan's blue dye injection. This study provides angiographic, myocardial perfusion, and histological correlates associated with PC-MRI epicardial CFR changes during chronic, progressive coronary artery constriction. It also demonstrates the disparity between
epicardial and myocardial measures of coronary flow reserve with collateral dependence and the caveats for PC-MRI use in models of progressive coronary constriction.
We compared the behavior of 14 inbred mouse strains and an F1 hybrid commonly used in transgenic and knockout production. These strains were 129P3/J, 129S1/SvImJ, 129S6/SvEvTac, 129T2/SvEmsJ, 129X1/SvJ (formerly 129/J, 129/Sv-p+Tyr+Kitl+/J, 129/SvEvTac,
129SvEmsJ, and 129/SvJ, respectively), A/JCrTac, BALB/cAnNTac, C3H/HeNTac, C57BL/6J, C57BL/6NTac, DBA/2NTac, FVB/NTac, NOD/MrkTac, SJL/JCrNTac, and the hybrid B6129S6F1Tac. Performance in three behavioral tests (rotorod, open-field activity–habituation, and contextual and cued fear conditioning)
was determined. On the rotorod assay, SJL/JCrNTac mice had the shortest latencies to fall on the first day of testing, and DBA/2NTac mice showed impaired motor learning. Open-field behavior was analyzed using the parameters total distance, center distance, velocity, and vertical activity.
129T2/EvEmsJ and A/JCrTac were least active in the open field, whereas NOD/MrkTac mice were most active. Contrary to earlier studies, we found that all strains habituated to the open field in at least one of these parameters. In contextual and cued fear conditioning, all strains displayed
activity suppression. However, FVB/NTac mice reacted less strongly to both context and cue than did most of the other strains. There were no significant behavioral differences between C57BL/6J and C57BL/6NTac, except for higher open-field activity in C57BL/6J female mice. These findings illustrate
the importance of the appropriate selection of background strain for transgenic, gene targeting, or drug research.
The canine transplantable venereal tumor is a naturally occurring transplantable round-cell tumor in dogs. Although experimental transplantable tumor models in rodents and rabbits are readily available, a reliable transplantable tumor model in a large animal that more closely resembles
the physical dimensions of humans has not been available. A tumor model in a large animal would have a wide range of biomedical research applications, including the study of various interventional imaging techniques. In this report, we characterize the experimental transplantation of the canine
transmissible venereal tumor in the brain, skin, muscle, prostate, lung, liver, and bone of dogs and provide X-ray computed tomographic and magnetic resonance imaging characteristics of the tumors in the brain, muscle, lung, and prostate.
This study evaluated the duration of clinical effects and referred hyperalgesia in rats (n = 10 per group) undergoing abdominal surgery with analgesics (ketoprofen at 3 mg/kg and buprenorphine at 0.01 or 0.1 mg/kg) administered intramuscularly twice daily for 72 h beginning prior to
surgery; no-surgery and no-analgesia control groups were included. Food and water consumption and body weight were monitored daily. As a measure of referred hyperalgesia, tail-flick latency was measured daily, before and 4 h after analgesia administration. Compared with those of the no-surgery
controls, significant decreases in food consumption and body weight occurred 24 h after surgery without analgesics. There were nonsignificant reductions in these effects by analgesics, but the benefits were not significantly different than those of saline. These parameters continued to be
decreased with variable significance in the buprenorphine groups at 48 and 72 h after surgery. In both buprenorphine-treated groups, water consumption was significantly increased at 24 h after surgery but not at 48 or 72 h. Tail-flick latency was not significantly different between the no-surgery
and no-analgesia groups but was significantly increased 4 h after high-dose buprenorphine administration and declined nonsignificantly over time in the other groups. We conclude that painful effects from surgery are present primarily during the first 24 h after surgery. The analgesic regimens
tested did not completely reduce these effects. Buprenorphine was associated with adverse effects for as long as 72 h after surgery. Referred hyperalgesia from this abdominal surgery could not be measured using the tail-flick assay.
Urolithiasis appeared in rats maintained to study the effects of nutrients and methylmercury on development and aging. After a year, the mortality rate was approximately 10%, and by 2 years, it had increased to nearly 30%. Clinical signs and urinary tract pathology were examined as
a function of diet, duration on diet, gender, methylmercury exposure, genetics, and other potential risk factors by using survival analyses and qualitative comparisons. Urolithiasis in female rats appeared 15 weeks after beginning a purified diet and after 5 weeks for male rats. After 97 weeks,
the mortality rate of female rats was 22% and for male rats was 64%. Lifetime urolithiasis-associated mortality was about 2% in a group of rats that consumed the contaminated diet for < 30 weeks. No urolithiasis occurred in siblings or cohorts of the rats described here that were maintained
on a standard rodent chow containing choline chloride. Urolithiasis was traced to racemic, rather than levo-, bitartaric acid in some purified diets shipped in 2001 and 2002. It is unknown when the impurity first appeared in the diet, so estimates of exposure duration are upper limits. Chronic
methylmercury exposure increased vulnerability. Some families (dam + offspring) had multiple cases of urolithiasis, but probability models constructed to evaluate familial clustering revealed no evidence for a genetic predisposition to urolithiasis apart from gender. Removing racemic tartaric
acid did not decrease mortality once rats had been on the diet for 20 to 30 weeks, but it helped when exposure duration was shorter.
Some recommendations in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (the Guide) are based on best professional judgment. Our current efforts are directed toward replacement with data-driven standards. We demonstrated earlier that young adult C57BL/6J mice could
be housed with half the floor space recommended in the Guide without discernable negative effects. This report extends that work by examining optimal housing densities for young adult male and female BALB/cJ, NOD/LtJ, and FVB/NJ mice. These 8-week studies were initiated with 3-week-old
BALB/cJ and NOD/LtJ mice and 3- to 5-week-old FVB/NJ mice housed in three cage types. We adjusted the number of mice per cage to house them with the floor space recommended in the Guide (approximately 12 in2 [ca. 77 cm2] per mouse) down to 5.6 in2 [ca.
36 cm2] per mouse. Early-onset aggression occurred among FVB/NJ male mice housed at all densities in cages having 51.7 in2 (ca. 333 cm2) or 112.9 in2 (ca. 728 cm2) of space. FVB/NJ male mice housed in shoebox (67.6 in2 [ca.
436 cm2]) cages did not exhibit aggression until the fifth week. Urinary testosterone output was density-dependent only for BALB/cJ male mice in shoebox cages (output decreased with increasing density) and FVB/NJ male mice. We conclude that all but FVB/NJ male mice can be housed
with half the floor space specified in the Guide. The aggression noted for male FVB/NJ mice may have been due to their age span, although this did not impact negatively on the female FVB/NJ mice.
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis in Two Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta) after Administration of Rituximab
A 2- and a 7-year-old rhesus macaque developed toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) after administration of rituximab. Rituximab, a chimeric monoclonal antibody (mAb) directed against the CD20 antigen on B lymphocytes, is used to treat certain B cell neoplasias. The macaques were part of
a gene therapy study that involved administering an adeno-associated viral vector encoding human factor IX (hFIX) to the animals. Both animals developed antibody against hFIX, which eliminated expression of the protein. Rituximab was administered to deplete the population of B cells producing
antibodies against the protein. Two days after treatment, the 7-year-old animal developed erythemic skin lesions that rapidly progressed in severity, resulting in epidermal sloughing and ulceration. Despite aggressive treatment with analgesics, antibiotics, and corticosteroids, the animal
had to be euthanized 5 days later. The 2-year-old macaque had no reaction to the initial dose of rituximab and received a second infusion 2 weeks later. Two days after drug administration, skin lesions developed; aggressive analgesic, antibiotic, and corticosteroid treatment was initiated,
and the lesions resolved. A third rituximab dose was given approximately 2 months after the second. Skin lesions developed and were treated. The animal made a full recovery. In both cases, skin biopsies were taken and histopathologic findings were consistent with TEN. A severe, life-threatening
condition, TEN manifests as an intolerance reaction in the skin. The most common cause of TEN is a response to previous drug administration. To our knowledge, this condition has not been reported in association with rituximab administration in macaques.
In 1997, three lines of inbred Peromyscus leucopus—GS109A, GS16A1, and GS16B—were acquired by the Peromyscus Genetic Stock Center. Since then, records have been kept on tumors detected by visible inspection of live animals. The inbred lines GS109A and GS16A1
presented tumors with frequencies substantially higher than that of the other inbred line or of random-bred P. leucopus stock. The average age of detection was 456 ± 75 days (n = 24) for GS109A and 568 ± 168 days (n = 12) for GS16A1 respectively. Surprisingly, the majority
of the tumors (23 of 24 for GS109A and 8 of 12 for GS16A1) appeared to be Harderian gland lesions. During the same time period only a single tumor, a fibrosarcoma, was noted in the other inbred strain (GS16B), and one Harderian gland tumor was detected in the randombred stock. On the basis
of the number of animals born to each group, tumor frequencies were approximately 22.7%, 8.3%, 0.67%, and 0.07%, for GS109A, GS16A1, GS16B, and random-bred P. leucopus stock, respectively. The periocular tumors appeared to be highly malignant, with elevated mitotic indices, marked anaplasia,
and metastases to regional lymph nodes and lungs. The tumors were readily transplantable to other animals of the same line. Among various other species, malignant Harderian gland tumors are relatively rare.
The spontaneous development of self-injurious behavior (SIB) in singly housed monkeys poses a challenge for their management and well-being in captivity. Relatively little information is available on effective treatments for SIB. This study examined the effects of diazepam (Valium)
on self-wounding and other abnormal behaviors in eight individually housed male rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Each monkey's response to an anxiolytic dose of diazepam (1 mg/kg or greater orally) was compared with the animal's behavior during drug-free periods. When examined across
all animals, treatment with diazepam did not significantly alter wounding frequency or rates of self-directed biting without wounding. However, closer examination of the data revealed that four of the animals showed significant decreases in self-biting and wounding frequency (positive responders,
PR group), whereas the remaining monkeys showed a trend towards increased wounding frequency (negative responders, NR group). Subsequent examination of colony and veterinary records demonstrated that compared with NR monkeys, PR monkeys had spent significantly more years in individual cage
housing and had experienced a greater number of minor veterinary procedures. PR animals also were significantly less likely to have a documented history of self-biting behavior. Our findings suggest that SIB is not a homogeneous disorder in rhesus monkeys; rather, distinct subtypes exist that
require different treatment approaches.