Measurement of the Luminal Diameter of Peripheral Arterial Vasculature in Yorkshire × Landrace Swine by Using Ultrasonography and Angiography
To select animals of appropriate size for preclinical studies of cardiovascular devices, reference knowledge of the cardio- vascular anatomy relative to body weight is crucial. We measured the luminal diameters of the arteries (carotid, femoral, and iliac arteries) that are the common
access vessels for endovascular and vascular procedures in Yorkshire × Landrace swine. Measurements were performed by using both ultrasound and angiographic methods and were correlated with body weight. Results showed no statistically significant difference between the left and right
vessels in the diameters of the carotid, femoral, and iliac arteries. The diameters of the measured arteries showed high correlation with animal weight in pigs that weighed less than 70 kg.