Low-cost, Small-scale Decontamination of Laboratory Equipment by Using Chlorine Dioxide Gas
A significant concern in laboratory animal medicine is contamination due to pathogen outbreaks and how to adequately decontaminate small equipment. Many factors play a role in the selection of the decontamination method including cost, efficacy, personnel time and safety. Chlorine dioxide
(ClO2) gas is an effective method, but decontamination often requires a ClO2 gas generator with a specialized air-tight exposure chamber. Although this method works well for large-scale decon- tamination, the use of a gas generator may be impractical and too costly for
smaller-scale decontamination. The goal of this study was to create and validate an effective, small-scale decontamination method that uses ClO2 gas and which is an affordable, efficient, safe, and reproducible. First, we identified a product that generates ClO2 gas after
the combination of 2 dry reagents. To find an affordable exposure chamber, we evaluated the ability of 4 household totes with gasket-seal lid systems to retain ClO2 gas and relative humidity (RH). The efficacy of decontamination was validated by concurrently using 2 different biologic
indicators (BI), Bacillus atrophaeus (B.a.) and Geobacillus stearothermophilus (G.s.). All household totes evaluated held sufficient gas and RH for a 15-h cycle, providing adequate contact time to inactivate both BI evaluated. Our results suggest that a total exposure
dose of 71 ± 42 ppm-h of ClO2 gas over 15 h at 90% or greater RH is adequate to inactivate both B.a. and G.s. There was no statistical significance between the 2 BI as indicators for decontamination; 65 of 230 (28.3%) B.a. and 75 of 230 (32.6%) G.s
spore strips were positive for growth (P = 0.36). In conclusion, we successfully combined a variety of low-cost materials to establish an effective, small-scale method to decontaminate laboratory equipment. Depending on the size of the tote and whether BI are used, the cost of our method
is roughly 1% that of large-scale ClO2 gas generators used with specialized air-tight exposure chambers.