Pathology of Ground Squirrels in a Research Colony
This paper presents a retrospective review of the postmortem findings in a colony of wild-caught ground squirrels used in medical research. The species included in this study were Richardson's ground squirrel Urocitellus richardsonii, Columbian ground squirrel Urocitellus
columbianus and golden-mantled ground squirrel Callospermophilus lateralis. The pathologic findings in 160 ground squirrels from this colony demonstrated a wide variety of conditions, with chronic nephritis and hepatic adenomas being the most frequent overall. All animals with gross
lesions of chronic interstitial nephritis had both glomerular and tubulointerstitial disease upon microscopic examination. As the first review of pathology in a research colony of ground squirrels. this study provides data for use in comparative studies about rodent diseases and important
information for those who maintain such animals for research.